LLMs deal essentially with language but seems amenable to graphics as well. To such an extent that one may wonder…
Illustration by DALL·E
AI has the great disadvantage of being … artificial
This does not mean however that scientific research had become an easy pursuit in the West from the 16th century onwards: the image of the tree of knowledge’s forbidden fruit maintained its […]
A portrait of Tycho Brahe, Royal Astrologist of Danemark, by Stable Diffusion
Why were we caught off-guard by AI?
Despite artificial intelligence having been a field of research since the 1950s and the achievement of software of the type of LLMs having been […]
Portrait of Geoffrey Hinton by Stable Diffusion
The rise of the LLMs
This is the way things stood before some recent events that led Geoffrey Hinton to make a disturbing statement. Geoffrey Hinton is the mastermind behind Large Language Models such as ChatGPT, […]
Illustration by DALL·E
Freud: The soul in the realm of suspicion
What Linnæus and Darwin had forced to reconsider was the notion of Man as having been created entirely separately from the “the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to […]
Illustration by DALL·E
Darwin: Man in a sequence
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was the thinker who added a historical perspective to the picture Linnaeus had painted: animal species that look like each other in their skeleton necessarily evolved from a common ancestor. Hence the […]
Illustration by DALL·E
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Being more generous when defining Man
The question of the “us” extends however beyond the borders of the Homo sapiens species. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) in his Essay on the origin of Inequality held the view that we’ve been […]
Illustration by DALL·E
Linnæus: Man taken down from his pedestal
The biblical representation of Man as a creature special in the eyes of God suffered a first serious blow in 1735, when Carl Linnæus (1707-1778) classified the human species along animals, labelling it […]
Illustration by DALL·E
The New Testament: Reciprocity
In the East, with totemism, which Durkheim and Mauss identified with China’s thought of archaic times there is no crucial divide between Man, the chosen creature in the eyes of God, and the other creatures placed […]
Illustration by DALL·E (+Animé)
The Old Testament: Creation
For almost two millennia the dominant view of humankind in the West was grounded in the biblical account: Adam and Eve being made in the likeness of God, while nature was defined by God as being […]
LLMs deal essentially with language but seems amenable to graphics as well. To such an extent that one may wonder…
“the marvellous powers of the brain emerge not from any single, uniformly structured connectionist network but from highly evolved arrangements…
When the entangled narrative is based on the Bible, the problem is the Bible.
I intend to read the Krichmar paper, thanks for mentioning it. I looked in my library, I’ve got a 1987…
It’s becoming clear that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding.…
Do Androids dream of electric sheeps ? Yes. Thanks Paul.
You say that A machine with only primary consciousness will probably have to come first. That’s the way evolution proceeded:…
It’s becoming clear that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding.…
I fear your views of AI are pretty much outdated. They pre-date in any case neural networks. What you are…
Unfortunately IA is not The solution… We have to think outside the box… And IA just calculate fast but inside…
"L'avènement de la Singularité" "Thought as Word Dynamics" ANELLA A NEW "US" FOR NEW TIMES Angela Merkel Aristotle Artificial Intelligence balanced budget rule Barclays Brexit capitalism Chair "Stewardship of Finance" Claude 3 debt Donald Trump ECB EFSF ESM Europe eurozone France FSA Germany GPT-4 Greece Herman Van Rompuy IMF Italy Jean-Claude Juncker José Manuel Barroso Large Language Models LIBOR linguistics LLM Mario Draghi Mario Monti Pribor.io problem solving Proudhon P vs NP Spain speculation The Singularity Troïka United States