Le colloque Transvision, à Bruxelles, les 9-10-11 novembre 2017
Bien que ne souscrivant pas au programme transhumaniste, j’ai accepté avec grand plaisir l’invitation qui m’a été faite de venir exposer mes vues sur le mouvement. Mon exposé aura lieu le 11 novembre en milieu de matinée.
Assessment: an account of the situation and the evolution of the movement and transhumanist thought in various countries of Europe and the World
9.00 AM – 9.35 AM Registration
9.35 AM (precise!) – 9.45 AM Welcome speech
9.45 AM – 1 PM Speakers from many organizations and countries (part 1)
- David Pearce : Humanity+ (co-founder of what was originally called the World Transhumanist Association)
- Natasha Vita-More (video) : chair of Humanity+
- Anders Sandberg (Future of Humanity Institute)
- Sven Bulterijs: (HEALES)
Questions and break (coffee)
- Valeriya Udalova (Pride) : Russia (RTM, CEO KrioRus)
- Ilia Stambler (video) : Israel (Israel Longevity Alliance)
- Jose Cordeiro : Venezuela (Humanity+)
- Armand Ngaketcha : Cameroon (AFT)
1 PM – 2 .15 PM Meal
2.15 PM (precise!) – 6.00 PM Speakers from many organizations and countries (part 2)
- David Wood : Great-Britain (London Futurists)
- Chris Monteiro : Great-Britain
- Marc Roux : France (AFT)
- Riccardo Campa : Italy (AIT)
Questions and break (coffee)
- Stefano Vaj : Italy (AIT)
- Sergio Tarrero : Spain (Allianza Futurista)
- Tomasz Romanowski : Poland
- Anton Kulaga, Romania (Computational Biology of Aging Group)
Questions and break (coffee)
- Angel Marchev, Bulgaria
- Netherland (speaker to be precised)
- Waldemar Ingdahl : Sweden (Människa+)
- Gennady Stolyarov II (United States Transhumanist Party)(video)
- James Hughes : US (IEET)
6.30 – 8 PM Meeting of the Association Française Transhumaniste (in French)
6.30 – 8 PM General discussions about the future of transhumanism (in English)
8.30 – 10.30 Festive meeting in the Café “A la mort Subite” (Sudden Death). Informal discussions, group picture,…
Prospects: time to work on what we think we can do, together or separately
9.00 AM – 9.30 AM Registration – Welcome
9.30 AM (precise!) – 9.45 AM Presentation of the Working Groups
9.45 AM – 10.45 AM First part working groups Morning
- Abolition of aging (leader : Didier Coeurnelle)
- Cognitive enhancements (leader : James Hughes)
11.00 AM – 12.00 AM Second part working groups Morning
- Bioethics issues (human increase, grinders, ectogenesis, legal issues…) (leader: Marc Roux)
- Technoprogressive questions (Society without work and with abundance and A.I.) (leader : David Wood)
12 AM – 1.45 PM Meal
1.45 PM (precise!) – 2.45 PM First part working groups Afternoon
- How do we relate to the political world? Do we create a political party? Public Armaments Policy Issues. Risks. (leader : Marc Roux and Didier Coeurnelle)
- What are the relationships with the business world (e. g. Singularity University)(leader : David Wood)
1.45 PM – 2.45 PM Second part working groups Afternoon
- What kind of actions towards laboratories, universities (leader : François Vialatte, to be confirmed)
- How do we organize ourselves (Practical actions). Do we have an annual festival? (leader : Alexandre Maurer)
4.30 to 6.30
Bringing discussions to a conclusion
7 – 10 PM
Festive meal in downtown Brussels. La Lunette (to be confirmed)
Syntheses, External analysis of the movement. Activities also for non-transhumanists (press, people interested…).
9.00 AM – 9.30 AM Registration – Welcome
9.30 (precise!) – 12 AM Final talks. The Future is Now, beautiful, dangerous, fascinating.
- Gabriel Dorthe (25 mn)
- Questions and break (coffee)
- Paul Jorion (25 mn)
- Anders Sandberg (25 mn)
12 AM – 2 PM Technoprogressist meal, discussions, press conference
2 PM – 4.30 PM Synthesis and perspectives. Eight complementary ways to change the future in positive ways!
- James Hughes
- David Wood
- David Pearce
Questions, short comments and break (coffee)
- Jose Cordeiro
- Marc Roux
- Didier Coeurnelle
5.00 PM (precise!) Transhumanist Manneken Pis. We will go together to offer “technoprogressist” clothes to this very young and very old -but rejuvenated- citizen of Brussels
6.30 – 11.30 PM Festive final meeting in the Café “A la mort Subite” (Sudden Death). Informal meetings, preparation of next events…
On ne se comprend pas, en effet. Vance, Musk et Trump mènent une politique fasciste outre-atlantique et de surcroit ils…