Université catholique de Lille, Workshop with Andrew Feenberg, le mercredi 20 juin 2019

Workshop with Andrew Feenberg

Université catholique de Lille, June 20, 2019 9.30 a.m.-5.15 p.m.

Maison des chercheurs, 14 boulevard Vauban 59800 Lille (1se floor, room 103)


9 a.m.-9.30 a.m. Welcoming

9.30 a.m.-10 a.m. Paul Jorion (Université catholique de Lille): Introduction

10 a.m.-10.30 a.m. Reply by Andrew Feenberg and public discussion

10.30 a.m.-10.45 a.m. Adeline Barbin (Université Paris 1): “What place can we give to nature inside technics’ criticism?”; comment on “Concretizing Simondon and Constructivism,” chapter 3 of Technosystem

10.45 a.m.-11 a.m. Reply by Andrew Feenberg and public discussion

11 a.m.-11.15 a.m. coffee break 

11.15 a.m.-11.30 a.m. Darryl Cressmann (Maastricht University): comments on “The Question of Progress,” last chapter of Technosystem

11.30 a.m.-11.45 a.m. Reply by Andrew Feenberg and public discussion

11.45 a.m.-1 p.m. Lunch

1 p.m.-2.30 p.m. Public lecture by Andrew Feenberg: “La technique et la finitude humaine” (in French) 

2.45 p.m.-3 p.m. Agostino Cera (Università della Basilicata): “Is the Empirical Turn an Ontophobic Turn? Feenberg’s Critical Constructivism and the Historicization of the Recent Philosophy of Technology”

3 p.m.-3.15 p.m. Reply by Andrew Feenberg and public discussion

3.15 p.m.-3.30 p.m. Fernand Doridot (Université catholique de Lille): “The ‘double instrumentalization’ model for technics in Feenberg’s Questioning Technology (1999). With some remarks on chapters 6 and 7 of Technosystem.”

3.30 p.m.-3.45 p.m. Reply by Andrew Feenberg and public discussion

3.45 p.m.-4 p.m. coffee break

4 p.m.-4.15 p.m. Alberto Romele (Université catholique de Lille): comments on “Critical constructivism” and “The Internet in Question,” chapters 2 and 4 of Technosystem

4.15 p.m.-4.30 p.m. Reply by Andrew Feenberg and public discussion

4.30 p.m.-4.45 p.m. Gabriel Dorthe and David Doat (Université catholique de Lille): “The problematic relationships and conflicts between public and experts, and the (re)appropriation of technoscientific promises in the transhumanist movement.”

4.45 p.m.-5 p.m. closing remarks (Alberto Romele and David Doat)

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Contactez Paul Jorion

Commentaires récents

  1. Merci pour ces précisions. Quand on joue avec le noyau, ça peut faire mal. Ça me rappelle une de mes…

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